that will be held 1-4 of Nov, 2024, Riyadh.
For more detailsجدة - المملكة العربية السعودية
4 2023 (مارس) آذار
Approved in Jeddah, KSA
Dated (March 4th, 2023)
English Version
The bylaws of the Pan Arab Neurosurgical Society (PANS) have been approved by the committee formed for this purpose under the chairmanship of the Dr. Khalaf Al-Mutairi since the establishment of the society. These bylaws were discussed at the founding meeting of the society in 1994 and were accepted during the first meeting of the executive committee in 1996.
The first review of the bylaws was conducted by the executive committee under the chairmanship of Professor Dr. Bin Isa Abd Al-Nabi. Moreover, the internal regulations committee was formed under the chairmanship of Professor Dr. Ahmed Ammar, with Dr. Hani Al-Miniawi and Dr. Abdul Samad Al-Azhari as members. The bylaws were approved during the meeting of the Pan Arab Neurosurgical Society (PANS) in Kuwait on December 11, 2012.
The executive committee, chaired by Professor Dr. Ali Al-Mashani, decided to update the bylaws through a committee formed under the chairmanship of Professor Dr. Ahmed Al-Khani and included Professors Dr. Ahmed Ammar and Abdul Salam Al-Khamlashi, and Dr. Abdul Ghafar Kiwan. Thus, the updated bylaws were developed and mainstreamed among the participants and founding members, and were approved in the city of Jeddah on March 4, 2023.
The Arab Society of Neurosurgery (referred to as the Society) consists of general neurosurgical associations and neurosurgical associations across the Arab world. The Society allows neurosurgeons of Arab origin or non-Arabs working outside Arab countries to apply for membership.
The Arab Society of Neurosurgery was established in 1996 in Riyadh by distinguished neurosurgeons who played significant scientific and professional roles in establishing national neurosurgery societies and are acknowledged as leading neurosurgeons in their Arab countries. The attached list includes the names of the founders who brought to brought the emergence of this Society to existence.
The Arab Society of Neurosurgery was registered in the Arab Republic of Egypt under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Solidarity, and its registration number was 21011036020334. The main office of the Society is located at (Building No. 6 – Apartment 5) Al-Nasr Road - Nasr City - Cairo - Arab Republic of Egypt. This headquarters is considered permanent and cannot be changed unless there are changes to the rules and bylaws issued by the executive committee and approved by voting during a meeting of the Society's executive council.
The Society aims to enhance serving neurosurgery in Arab countries and strives to reach the highest international standards.
A) Improve methods and standards of care for neurosurgical patients in the Arab world and raise to meet the highest relevant international standards.
B) Enhance teaching and training methods and support scientific research in the field of neurosurgery.
C) Support communication and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and related expertise.
D) Pursuing and contributing to international efforts to achieve progress in the field of neurosurgery at the level of Arab countries.
The objectives of the Society aim to serve the neurosurgical field at the community level through: A) Development of neurosurgical training across the Arab world by improving education, training, supporting scientific and related aspects supporting this purpose.
B) Development and enhancement of health care methods for neurosurgical patients in the Arab world, aiming to raise them to global standards through continuous support for scientific research and support for the knowledge and education of patients and their families, and to secure the capabilities that enable access to neurosurgical treatments considering the available modern methods and techniques.
C) Facilitate communication and the exchange of knowledge and expertise between neurosurgeons at the Arab and global levels to ensure the enhancement and development of health care for neurosurgical patients in the Arab world, invest in every possible effort and diligence to support scientific activities and meetings, facilitate initiating workshops and lectures, and ensure their success using the modern techniques and methods available for this purpose.
D) Provide scientific and educational support in neurosurgery by contributing to scientific and educational efforts and fostering scientific and research cooperation at the international level.
E) Support and guide trainees to meet the highest academic, research, surgical, and clinical skill levels and ensure their excellence in demonstrating these skills.
F) Encourage scientific research related to neurosurgical patient care, develop patient care methods, take advantage of modern resources and techniques to facilitate communication with patients and ensure their proper education, and implement these techniques or resources in their surroundings. Join other international efforts in the same sector to gain relevant experiences and knowledge.
G) Support programs that aim to elevate the education and training in neurosurgery in medical schools and provide practical training programs for resident doctors and fellows.
H) Cooperate with local, regional, and international neurosurgical organizations and related medical specialties to achieve distinguished educational standards in the field and benefit from research related to scientific aspects and patient care.
The convening of the scientific conference of the Arab Society of Neurosurgery is the main activity, periodically held at an appropriate time. This conference represents the cornerstone of the scientific part of the Society, and it includes all members, organizations, and medical associations collaborating with the Society in neurosurgery at the highest scientific levels. This conference is held regularly every two years if possible.
The scientific conference of the Arab Society of Neurosurgery is hosted by one of the medical associations or organizations accredited by the Society. The conference is held every two years if circumstances allow. The elected president proposes the location and date of the scientific conference for approval by the executive committee. The elected president becomes the president of the next conference and is responsible for appointing the chair and members of the scientific and organizational committee, which in turn invites members of the executive committee and the founders, exempting them from registration fees. Local organizing committees bear no financial obligations towards the executive council of the Society.
The Arab Society of Neurosurgery supports the continuous periodic publication of the Arab Journal of Neurosurgery, which represent the official Journal of the Society. This journal serves as a leading regional and international forum for basic sciences and clinical research in the field of neurosurgery. The journal focuses on publishing high-standard scientific articles authored by specialists, along with comments and correspondence on all topics of interest to the neurosurgery sector in the region and around the world. The Society's president appoints the editor-in-chief of the journal, who is tasked with executive supervision of the journal and presents a report on the journal's activities during the general meeting.
Membership in the Arab Society of Neurosciences consists of regular membership and affiliate membership.
These are organizations or associations specialized in neurosurgery and formed according to regulations in Arab countries, or relevant neuroscience associations located in Arab countries, where most of their members are neurosurgeons and neuroscientists.
These are affiliate members who are neurosurgeons of Arab or non-Arab origin residing or practicing outside the Arab region.
For those wishing to join the Society, they must (according to the Executive Bylaws) submit their applications to the Executive Committee as follows:
Applications should be submitted to the Executive Committee accompanied by the following information and documents:
1. A copy of the bylaws of the organization or association wishing to join.
2. A list of executives and members.
3. A report on previous annual general meetings,including a description of the scientific activities of the organization or association and its activities, along with any scientific publications and journals.
Applications should be submitted to the Executive Committee accompanied by the following information and documents:
1. Personal identification.
2. An updated resume.
3. A recommendation letter from anaffiliated association or organization or from affiliate members.
Applications must include proof of payment of membership fees (see the section related to attachments and amendments). The Executive Committee reviews the membership applications and submits them for approval at the next official meeting of the Society's Council
Members of the Society, whether the membership is represented by an organization, association, or individual neurosurgeons, are elected based on the recommendation of the Nomination Committee and the approval of the Executive Committee by the majority of votes of the members who present at the time of nomination and the number of the members who voted from the Society's Executive Council.
The Executive Committee of the Society is considered its primary administrative annex. This committee consists of practicing doctors who have a leading role in the field of neurosurgery at the level of the Arab world. The Executive Committee (EC) consists of:
1. President of the Society (hereinafter referred to as the President)
2. President-Elect
3. Secretary-General
4. Chairman of the Scientific Committee for Training
5. Treasurer
6. Immediate Past President
7. Historian
8. Member
9. Central Office Director
10.Two appointed members
All Executive Committee officers must be individual members of the Society or practicing neurosurgeons with full, unrestricted membership in one of the medical organizations or associations. They may or may not be appointed members of the Society's Executive Council.
The executives are elected by a majority vote of the Society's Board of Trustees from the members who present and vote during the meeting.
Membership applications for the Executive Committee should be submitted to the president before the start of the Executive Council meeting of the Society.
In the case of the resignation of any executiveor a vacancy in any executive position for any reason (such as death or health related reasons), the president will request the secretary to provide a shortlist of candidates (comprising three names) to fill the position. The Executive Committee approves the candidate for the vacant position by a majority vote exceeding half. The president may ask one of the Executive Committee members to temporarily cover the vacant position until the appointment process is complete. Temporary replacement or appointment is not considered an obstacle to future progression for any position within the Executive Committee during the next elections.
The Executive Council elects the president for a single term only. The affiliated society must nominate the president. The president acts as the chair of the Executive Committee and exercises the powers assigned to the position, bearing the responsibilities of the executive presidency of the Society. The president may appoint special committees (with specific specialties) as needed. Additionally, with the approval of the general council, the president can appoint non-voting members to the Executive Committee, such as the Central Office Director general members or the journal's Editor- in-Chief. The president has the right to temporarily fill or designate specific members for any position that may become vacant in the Executive Committee. The president cannot be re-elected for a consecutive second term in this position.
The president-elect is elected by the Executive Council of the Society for a single term only. The president-elect, who must be the vice president, assumes the duties of the president if the president is unable to perform their duties, absent for any reason or unable to perform the duties assigned to the presidency. Additionally, the president- elect assumes the responsibilities of the president on the first day of the Society's scientific conference.
The Secretary-General is elected by the Executive Council of the Society. The Secretary- General undertakes the duties and responsibilities assigned to the position concerning the affairs of the Society and its Executive Council. The Secretary-General is responsible for arranging, organizing, and recording all meetings of the Executive Committee, the Executive Council, and the general assembly of the Society. The Secretary-General can be elected for a maximum of two consecutive terms. The Secretary-General temporarily assumes the duties and responsibilities of the president-elect in case of any vacancies until the next meeting of the Society's Executive Council.
The Chairman of the Scientific Committee for Training is elected by the Executive Council and leads the educational and training activities of the Society. The scientific committee is formed by the Executive Committee and consists of four members plus the chairman himself, after obtaining the approval of the Executive Committee. The Chairman of the Scientific Committee for Training is responsible for facilitating and enhancing the educational and training activities of the Society during his tenure. The Chairman can be elected for a maximum of two consecutive terms.
The Treasurer is elected by the Executive Council and is responsible for the duties and responsibilities associated with this position. The Treasurer handles tasks related to the dues and other funds received by the Society, and oversees and coordinates the expenditure of these funds according to the policies approved by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer also provides the Executive Committee with statements related to operating expenses and the general budget and presents these statements at the general assembly's scientific meeting. The Treasurer can be elected for a maximum of two consecutive terms.
The term "Immediate Past President" refers to the president from the term preceding the current president, and this individual serves as a member of the Executive Committee for one term only. The responsibilities of the Immediate Past President focus on assisting the newly appointed Executive Committee and providing the expertise gained during their presidency.
The Historian is elected by the Executive Committee and must have extensive experience in serving the Society at various levels. The Historian should be well-versed in the Society's laws, bylaws, and history. The Historian can be elected for a maximum of two consecutive terms.
It may be necessary to elect one member to the Executive Committee by the Executive Council for specific purposes. This member has full voting rights during the Executive Committee's activities. The president may assign this member to chair any ad hoc committee or fill any temporary vacancy in the Executive Committee. This member can be elected for a maximum of two consecutive terms.
This position is determined and the suitable person appointed by the president of the Executive Committee. The Central Office Director is a full member of the Executive Committee without voting privileges. The Central Office Director should be knowledgeable about all issues related to the central office, including (but not limited to) financial and governmental relations. The Central Office Director can be appointed for a maximum of two terms.
This is a member of the Executive Committee appointed by the president of the Executive Committee. The person holding this position has full membership in the Executive Committee without voting rights. The president can appoint up to two general members to attend all or some of the Executive Committee meetings to assist with any Executive Committee tasks. These appointed members do not have voting rights.
The General Assembly of the Society includes:
1. Executives representing organizations and medical associations registered as members of the Society.
2. Active affiliate members in their respective associations.
The president has the right to invite guests to attend the General Assembly. Organizations, associations with membership, and active members have the right, during the General Assembly, to submit any constructive proposals, including those related to constitutional amendments of the Society. No type of voting is conducted during the General Assembly meeting of the Society. Instead, the proposals submitted are discussed during the General Assembly and voted on at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees. The General Assembly meets once during each periodic scientific conference.
The Board of Trustees is considered the supreme authority governing the affairs of the Society.
A) The Board of Trustees consists of:
1. Current members of the Executive Committee.
2. Two representatives from each organization or association that are members of the Society.
3. Founding members of the Society(see the appendix).
4. All past presidents of the Society.
B) The president of the Society chairs the meeting of the Board of Trustees.
C) The Board of Trustees meet regularly with the scheduled scientific meeting of the Society. The president, upon delegation, has the right to call the Board of Trustees to an extraordinary meeting. Such a call is made based on the request of no less than 20% of the member organizations. The president, upon deciding to convene this meeting, must send invitations to all members of the Board of Trustees at least three months prior to the proposed meeting date.
D) A quorum for the Board of Trustees is met with the presence of at least one representative from more than 50% of the registered member organizations or associations in the Society.
E) The Board of Trustees elects the members of the Executive Committee, including the president, by free vote, and determines the location of the next scientific meeting regardless of the residence of the elected president. The Board is authorized to approve all proposed updates related to bylaws and internal regulations, approve membership applications from organizations and associations, and also individual membership applications as per the recommendations of the Nominations Committee, which has been approved by the Executive Committee.
F) Member organizations and associations must submit the names of two representatives to the Board of Trustees before the start of the next meeting.
G) No delegate may represent more than one organization in the Society.
H) Sessions of the Board of Trustees are conducted in person, but in the case of compelling circumstances, a virtual meeting can be held.
I) The Board of Trustees has the authority to terminate the membership of individual members or representatives of organizations and associations based on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, which is based on valid reasons and after notifying the concerned parties appropriately.
J) The Board of Trustees approves the membership dues for individual members and the dues for member organizations and associations as recommended by the Executive Committee. Dues are paid to the Society every two years, either in cash through the Treasurer or by transfer to the Society’s approved and registered bank account (see appendix).
K) The Board of Trustees approves applications for affiliate membership from individuals or organizations and associations.
L) Approvals issued by the Board of Trustees are based on a simple majority of the members present and voting at the specified time.
The Board of Trustees continues its work for a term of two years. The Secretary-General contacts all organizations and associations represented in the Society to obtain the names of their new representatives or to obtain authorization to renew the same members three months before the end of the Board's regular term. If there is no response, the existing members are renewed by law for an additional two years. Similarly, the term of membership for the Executive Committee is two years. In the event of compelling circumstances that prevent or delay the next scientific conference and the subsequent meeting of the Board of Trustees and the general assembly, the Executive Committee continues its work until the first day of the next scientific council meeting.
The necessity may require the presence of permanent, scientific, or special committees and other committees for the Society as listed below, for example but not limited to:
1. Finance Committee
2. Special Committees
3. Education/TrainingCommittee
4. Nominations Committee
5. Other committees such as audit committees or scientific committees.
The president appoints these committees and their members, then the Executive Council approves them based on the majority.
Meetings of the Executive Committee, Board of Trustees, and all its subcommittees are conducted according to international rules and procedures governing deliberative associations in general. The president makes all decisions on all matters. Any decision can be appealed by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees or the Executive Committee. All questions or disputes related to the internal rules not mentioned, covered, or written in this system are resolved according to the international rules followed in such organizations.
The Society adopts both Arabic and English as the official languages for the Society and its scientific meetings.
Amendments or changes to the Society’s constitution (the Constitution) can be made during any meeting of the Board of Trustees based on a positive vote (above 50%) by the majority of the members who presented during the voting and the total votes. Written notice of the proposed changes must be provided to all members of the Board of Trustees at least sixty days before the meeting at which the amendments will be discussed.
A separate, written set of bylaws for the Society is necessary to support the Constitution and facilitate the work and purposes of the Arab Society of Neurosurgery and its scientific meetings.
Amendments or changes to the Society’s bylaws can be made during any meeting of the Board of Trustees based on a positive vote (above 50%) by the majority of the members who presented during the voting and the total votes. A written notice of the proposed changes must be provided to all members of the Board of Trustees at least sixty days before the meeting at which the amendments will be discussed.
Proposed amendments should be submitted to the Executive Committee at least twelve months before the next meeting of the Board of Trustees. Amendments can be proposed by any member of the Board of Trustees or the Executive Committee. That members will be responsible for communicating any or all changes to the members of the Board of Trustees.
The approved bylaws of the Society must be reviewed periodically based on necessity or at the request of the Board of Trustees. In such a case, the president of the Executive Committee must appoint a special committee to carry out this task, study the required changes, and prepare a draft to be sent to the Board of Trustees for approval. The draft changes must be sent to the president of the Society at least thirty days before the Board of Trustees meeting.
Attachments or a single attachment can be added to these bylaws that include rules and details related to other activities such as the allocation of gold medals, the appointment of honorary members, other awards, functions of committees and sub-committees, and additional operational procedures. These attachments may also contain clarifications or a list of terms and their definitions, or clarifications regarding the structures and formats of scientific meetings. All these rules must be consistent with the approved bylaws of the Society. All contents of these attachments are approved by the Executive Committee. Changes to these attachments can be made by voting by the members of the Executive Committee, with the votes of those present during the voting process should be added to the majority of votes.